intrigeri (2020-03-20):
> I have 2 relevant things:
> - #6560 and friends
> - #15460 (drop Sikuli, yeah!)
Merged, and then:
>anonym plans to do a few last-minute small fixes on Monday.
>It's mostly about doc fixes, that IMO could be merged after the
>freeze (or even
Cyril Brulebois (2020-03-20):
> Here's the tentative timeline:
> - freeze to happen on 2020-03-22 at the latest; developers, if you have
>stuff that remains to be merged by then, you're welcome to tell us
>(on say tails-dev@ and tails-rm@) so that we discuss whether to wait
>a lit
Cyril Brulebois (2020-03-12):
> I'll be the release manager for Tails 4.5, scheduled to be released on
> 2020-04-07 (Mozilla seems to still agree :)).
> This is a major release, so it will be preceded by a release candidate
> somewhen late March. The details regarding the exact timing of t