A pre-script downloads and excecute this tails dowloadscript every time
the user wants to upgrade:
rm tails.iso
rm *sig
rm tails-signing.key
wget https://tails.boum.org/torrents/files/tails-amd64-4.
> This gives me a verified iso:
Some drawbacks include:
- The "3.16" bits have to come from somewhere that can be trusted.
- Depending on the environment this script is run in, you may be
trusting only our current signing key, or our current signing key
and old
The situation for most of the projects I am involved in, is that they want to
install Tails to a VM/virtual disk image, not to a physical USB.
The situation(s) where the physical USB is relevant, is where we want to boot
the physical Tails USB into a virt-manager VM, meaning that those have to m
This gives me a verified iso:
cd /iso
wget https://tails.boum.org/torrents/files/tails-amd64-3.16.iso.sig
wget https://tails.boum.org/tails-signing.key
gpg --import tails-signing.key
TZ=UTC gpg --no-options -
More and more organisations prevent (and disable) usb and sd ports on
notebooks. So booting tails with usb is no option.
Would this be good practice to use tails by booting the iso (on the
internal disk) with grub to ram. When tails is running, the present
harddisks are not mounted.
so, Down