| From: Kevin Cozens via talk <talk@gtalug.org>

| Very nice. The ghidra decompiler includes support for many different
| processors. The list includes the Z-80. Sadly, the 6809 (my personal
| favourite) and the 6800 processors are not on the list.

What do you wish to reverse for the 6800 or 6809?  I cannot imagine that 
there is that much of interest at this late date.

I'm sure that it would be easy to add the 6800.  The 6809 is a bit
more intricate but not that much harder.

(I reverse engineered some 680x (x<9) code using a disassembler I
wrote.  I'm not sure that I could find my disassembler (almost 40 years 
later).  It's probably stranded on one of my 9-track tapes.)
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