

Forwarding to you email that my girlfriend sent to whatsapp, about the problems 
in whatsapp web accessibility.


What do you think?


Afik sofir 






From: Neta Rosenman [mailto:netaro...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2016 8:31 PM
To: supp...@whatsapp.com
Cc: Afik Sofer; a...@highsight.co.il; eli.pe...@gmail.com
Subject: Whatsapp web accessibility



I am a visually impaired whatsapp user. I use the NVDA open-source screen 
reader, and the whatsapp web page is inaccessible when using it, and other 
closed-source screen reader, such as window-eyes by AI squared, and JAWS for 
windows by freedom scientific. 

Some examples which show that whatsapp web is inaccessible for those using a 
screen-reading software are: 

1. Some of the buttons are unlabeled. This means that the screen-reading 
software, which is supposed to read out loud what they are supposed to do, 
meaning, their name, cannot do so. The fact that they are unlabeled means that 
they are not marked in a way that the screen reader can name them and read that 
out loud. For example, one of the unlabeled buttons is the record button. This 
means that when the screen reader is focused on it, it cannot say out loud that 
it is a record button - it only announced that it is a button. The same thing 
occurs with the play recording buttons. 

this happens because these buttons are dynamic. I am certain for the fact that 
there is a fix for this, such as labeling these buttons. 

2. There are navigation issues when using whatsapp web. Blind and visually 
impaired use the keyboard almost all the time, and barely use the mouse. We 
would much rather navigate through the computer using the keyboard than the 
mouse. Navigating around whatsapp web using the keyboard is an extremely 
cumbersome and difficult process When pressing the tab and enter buttons or the 
spacebar, and arrowing up or down, one does not immediately get to the desired 
location in the website. Instead, he arrives at a very unpredictable location, 
such as getting to the browser navigation bar from the whatsapp page. 

The desired outcome, is as the following, for example: When the screen reader 
is focused on a chat, when I arrow down, I want the screen reader to focus on 
the chat directly below, in the chat list. When I tab, I want to go into the 
chat in focus, and when I arrow up or down inside it, I want to read through 
its messages. Right now, at the time when this email is sent, this is not what 
happens in the whatsapp web page in any web browser.

3. Contacts cannot be added to the phone, or added in any way that they can be 
used with whatsapp or whatsapp web. There are blind people who cannot use their 
smartphone in most ways, due to various reasons, for example, if they have 
cerebral palsy and cannot use their hands properly. Smartphone screen readers, 
such as VoiceOver on the iPhone, and talkback on some android smartphones, are 
not one-hand, or hands-free accessible, which means that there are people with 
CP who are blind or visually impaired due to it, and cannot use most of what 
their phone has to offer. Because of that, they use whatsapp web, and cannot 
add contacts to their phone for use with whatsapp indepently, without the help 
of a sighted person. 


Neta Rosenman,

Israeli visually impaired whatsapp web user with NVDA (non visual desktop 
access) screen reader. 

Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author 
and do not necessarily represent those of Ai Squared.

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