> I want to experiment with the mobile OSM binary data protocol  
> mentioned in the Development section of the wiki but I am not sure  
> how to get hold of the data.

The OSM Binary Format is a proposed new format for getting data from the 
API, currently partially implemented in an svn branch [1] (waiting for 
TomH to get back to me at the moment about some implementation choices - 
his todo list is too long).

The page you have found on the wiki is about some additional features 
for mobile devices. In particular tile based requests which are cached 
to reduce server load. The wiki has a link to the proxy code (renamed 
osmgetbmap) in symbianos.org svn [2] where the development of this 
started for use with WhereAmI.

If you want to just get a quick example of the format without installing 
anything then symbianos.org also has a clickable map to let you download 
a few OBF tiles [3].



[1] http://svn.openstreetmap.org/sites/rails_port_branches/osmbinaryformat/
[2] https://svn.symbianos.org/osmtocsv/trunk/osmgetbmap.php (+dep)
[3] http://www.symbianos.org/osmtileselector

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