You could run a script to remove the signposts from the route relations. But, 
other than digging in the database history, there’s no script which could add 
them back (proximity of a sign to a route is not a valid criterion). So if you 
do so, information is indeed lost. Otherwise I can’t see why should it 
difficult to data consumer to strip the unwanted information before processing 
the route.


Unless the script preserves the information by storing it by alternative means, 
I would regard such a script as vandalism.



From: pangoSE <> 
Sent: 25 July 2020 18:14
Subject: [OSM-talk] Removing all signposts from relations



Recently it was discussed whether to have signposts in route relations. I 
suggest we delete them from all relations by running a script.
I se no loss of information doing that and a benefit to data consumers wanting 
to sort and calculate the length and height profile of the relation which I 
think should only contain unclosed ways belonging to the route.

What do you think?

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