
OpenStreetMap mug is amazing! Do you plan to produce it also in bigger size?
I think cca 0.5 l, some one like 
http://www.eshop-pro.cz/img/p/5830-8430-thickbox.jpg :-)

Current mug is too small for common every-day use (at least for me) and it's 
pity but if bigger mug would be available, I would like to buy it :-)


 > Hi,

 >     a German company specialising in Open Source paraphernalia has
 > produced an OpenStreetMap "cheat mug" in the tradition of the popular
 > "vi mug" that you can see on many geek desks.

 > The mug boasts 179 of the most important OSM tags (plus a somewhat fake
 > "amenity=mug, access=private") and is dishwasher safe. Here is a picture:

 > http://www.openstreetmap.de/fan-artikel/tasse-big.png

 > Here are two happy customers:

 > http://www.openstreetmap.de/fan-artikel/osm-tasse-kaeufer-froscon.jpg

 > and here's the full design (spoiler warning):

 > http://shop.kernelconcepts.de/images/osm-mug-preview.png

 > I don't earn anything from the mug sales, but FOSSGIS e.V. (the soon to
 > be German OSMF chapter...) does: Each mug costs 7.50 EUR to the end
 > user, and 1.30 EUR of each sale go to FOSSGIS.

 > They do international sales and shipping (you can order the mug online
 > here: http://shop.kernelconcepts.de/product_info.php?products_id=112)
 > but shipping individual mugs is prohibitively expensive. If there is
 > interest in the international community then it would probably be best
 > if people would pool orders. Their online shop is a bit quirky if you
 > use the English interface - contact me offlist if there is a problem and
 > I'll check with them.

 > Bye
 > Frederik

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