
I'm the author of the OSMTracker for Android application:

As people have probably noticed, development has more or less halted since a few years because I lack the time and motivation to continue working on the app. A factor has been that I moved to places where the OSM map is complete, so I'm not even using the app. myself anymore :)

Pull requests and bug reports are regularly coming though, so I'd like to transfer the code to the OpenStreetMap GitHub organization so that someone can take over and continue maintaining & improving it. Ideally:
- Transfer the GitHub project to the OSM organization
- Transfer the Transifex project too, for translations
- Remove the app. from the Google Play Store under my name, so that it can be re-published by OpenStreetMap / the new maintainer(s)

I'm not sure this mailing list is the best place to discuss this, but there are so many communication channels these days that I wasn't sure where to post. Let me know if there's a better place, and if anyone is interested to take over?



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