Re: [Talk-us] Per-State relations for the Appalachian Trail

2016-05-04 Thread OSM Volunteer stevea
lly” grows to accommodate “entire planet sized” data size problems, then again, sometimes very focussed, specific efforts are required to “fix” things. Those seem like they will (and have) make themselves more obvious as we go along. Cheers, SteveA California___

Re: [Talk-us] Per-State relations for the Appalachian Trail

2016-05-03 Thread OSM Volunteer stevea
ays be obvious when to break apart a large relation into statewide components, but neither should it surprise us when somebody (for reasons of logical subdivision, practicality or both) does so. SteveA California___ Talk-us mailing list Talk-us@ope

Re: [Talk-us] Colorado mappers: Check your notes carefully

2016-05-01 Thread OSM Volunteer stevea
n-line with a larger consensus. SteveA California___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Is USBR 11 in Maryland complete/correct in OSM?

2016-05-01 Thread OSM Volunteer stevea
Ah, my spell-check is to blame! “non” should be ncn “lcm” should be lcm “a bicycle router showing” should be “a bicycle renderer showing” SteveA ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Is USBR 11 in Maryland complete/correct in OSM?

2016-05-01 Thread OSM Volunteer stevea
Whoops, a couple typos back there: “non” should be non “lcm” should be lcn SteveA ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Is USBR 11 in Maryland complete/correct in OSM?

2016-05-01 Thread OSM Volunteer stevea> Deeply appreciated. This tagging and routing were a little sticky here, and now are much better. SteveA California USBRS WikiProject coordinator___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strategy for Naming Parts of a Large Park

2016-04-11 Thread OSM Volunteer stevea
, as super relations and so on. Actually, this is fundamental to OSM: how renderers and/or data consumers pay attention to super-relations. Some respect them, some don’t. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list https

Re: [Talk-us] Talk-us Digest, Vol 101, Issue 10

2016-04-11 Thread OSM Volunteer stevea
to offer you (and I am in California, not Pennsylvania) I myself would offer to be that person, alas, I cannot do so. I wish the very best to you and your students and encourage your continuing to use OSM as you see fit. SteveA California > On Apr 11, 2016, at 5:01 PM, Mueller, Thomas &l

Re: [Talk-us] Talk-us Digest, Vol 101, Issue 10

2016-04-11 Thread OSM Volunteer stevea
contact the professor: simply introduce yourself as an interested and eager OSM volunteer who wants to help. Then, listen. Good luck to everybody, COMMUNICATE, keep learning and most of all, have fun! SteveA California___ Talk-us mai

Re: [Talk-us] Strategy for Naming Parts of a Large Park

2016-03-02 Thread stevea
State Park (Fall Creek Unit)." I agree, this doesn't seem ideal, and perhaps a super-relation to tie them all together would be yet more accurate, but this naming convention both seems correct and "gets the job done" (e.g. causes a pleasing rendering th

Re: [Talk-us] (Second attempt) Potential data source: Adirondack Park Freshwater Wetlands

2016-02-29 Thread stevea
nk you, Elliott, for calling this to our attention. Some updates need relatively frequent updating, some almost none at all. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Map Your Train Ride!

2016-02-25 Thread stevea
continent (except Antarctica). SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Map Your Train Ride!

2016-02-24 Thread stevea
hat sort of rail infrastructure underlies the route relation. But please DON'T add highway=footway to the platform node/polygon, UNLESS it is connected to another way containing a highway=* tag. Thanks, SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list Talk-us@openstr

[Talk-us] Map Your Train Ride!

2016-02-24 Thread stevea
astructure and train routes are just getting better and better! SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Smartphone App that searches OSM addresses?

2016-01-11 Thread stevea
know some of this is in charts on our wikis, but there is nothing like first-hand experience! SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Proposal: Sunset ref=* on ways in, favor of relations

2015-11-19 Thread stevea
the "gets refreshed every 4 hours based on latest OMS data" seems to be lagging, at least in the Name (name=* tag) column. Might this be fixed so it updates as stated? Thank you! SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list Talk-us@openstreetmap

Re: [Talk-us] Proposal: Sunset ref=* on ways in, favor of relations

2015-11-11 Thread stevea
least in the US) continue. OSM as a project seems to have a fierce determination do this (and do it right and well), but only as much hard work and toolchain development continue. SteveA California___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] San Diego Address Import Update

2015-11-10 Thread stevea
med Pine Valley and Guatay being a village and hamlet (respectively) and not part of the City of San Diego (by quite a ways), but certainly in San Diego County. I think Richard Welty makes a good point to "do (sufficient) research" but it seems you now have, and I don't beli

Re: [Talk-us] Proposal: Sunset ref=* on ways in, favor of relations

2015-11-10 Thread stevea
it already exists). It may not be drop-dead easy, but an intermediate coder should be able to make one in short order (weeks, not months). SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us]

2015-11-04 Thread stevea
are a key ingredient of the growth of this project. So, just another example of a very good thing to do for OSM, coupled with a corollary reminder: Ask and you shall receive! (Well, not always, but if you don't, you won't!) Go OSM! SteveA

Re: [Talk-us] Legislative districts, Land-use zoning, etc.

2015-10-21 Thread stevea
age what goes into and doesn't go into OSM? Yes, of course. Our core tenets (e.g. "on the ground verifiable") guide us well here. But if we are going to change the rules mid-stream, let us say so and not pretend we are not. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Increasing the number of US Mappers

2015-10-16 Thread stevea
ccess minicomputers. I saw how quickly and powerfully it became an extremely popular, widely-used communication medium precisely because of its "very fine grained and self-organized grouping of contributors with common interests." OSM needs the same kind of medium. Today, or soon. It rea

Re: [Talk-us] Increasing the number of US Mappers

2015-10-16 Thread stevea
are different (wiki post rights/attributions differ from the ODBL which guides OSM edit rights/attributions). While some harmonization of logins/signons is a good idea, we should do so where we can, but let's recognize that in some circumstances, we can't. SteveA California

Re: [Talk-us] Increasing the number of US Mappers

2015-10-15 Thread stevea
ommunity of consensus, and pow, we've got something. OSM is a big project, and this could happen. Heck, it might already be happening. Build a good channel ( least until the better next is here), and they will come. I appreciate the listening that ha

Re: [Talk-us] Increasing the number of US Mappers

2015-10-15 Thread stevea
are still quibbling about basic communication platforms that allow us to identify and grow our community. We truly can do better. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Increasing the number of US Mappers

2015-10-15 Thread stevea
ares that are out there? An organization/project as big as ours would need it to scale to a relatively large size, but that can be done. Should such a system have a modular approach to importing data from other platforms, well, Bob's Your Uncle (a s

Re: [Talk-us] OpenStreetMap US elections: October 12 townhall with candidates

2015-10-14 Thread stevea
he long-term, and it really does make a difference! We've had National Public Radio coverage and other national press, and we can keep that momentum going if we have the right things to report at the right times to "feed the media." Let's do so! SteveA California

Re: [Talk-us] Best iOS app for GPS wander, GPX to laptop into OSM?

2015-10-13 Thread stevea
elps me/us (one or more professors) for a University of California-based Mapping Party to take place in early- or mid-2016. So, Thank You! SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Best iOS app for GPS wander, GPX to laptop into OSM?

2015-10-05 Thread stevea
? Thanks for feedback, SteveA ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Best iOS app for GPS wander, GPX to laptop into OSM?

2015-10-05 Thread stevea
on that tiny screen! The phone is the data capture (and squirt it) device, the laptop (and iD in a web browser) are the editing environment. Let's connect these (wirelessly). SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list Talk-us@ope

[Talk-us] Best iOS app for GPS wander, GPX to laptop into OSM?

2015-10-05 Thread stevea
Looking at Strava, Galileo, Sygic, MAPS.ME and Cyclemeter GPS now. SteveA ___ Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] USBRS WikiProject enjoys success for Autumn 2015 round

2015-10-01 Thread stevea
again to the great volunteers and dedicated spirit in this OSM project, SteveA USBRS WikiProject coordinator California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Should driveways be on OSM?

2015-09-30 Thread stevea
se become access= tags. Tag what you see. Tag what is. This isn't difficult. Maybe sometimes a little ambiguous or confusing, and so kind of discussion prone, but we have here to untangle things. Doing so even works much of the time! SteveA California_

Re: [Talk-us] Cycle_greenway

2015-09-29 Thread stevea
ys are also signed with "Bike Route" signs but don't have a name or number. I do hope that helps! SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Should driveways be on OSM?

2015-09-28 Thread stevea
se." This only SEEMS like it isn't useful, but in some use cases, it is. Let's be careful with wholesale deletion due to personal taste of certain data categories. If it is truly wrong, fix it if possible. Delete it as a last resort, only when it is correct to do so.

[Talk-us] USBRS WikiProject seeks volunteer mappers

2015-09-19 Thread stevea
next couple of weeks. Thank you! SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] USBRS WikiProject seeks volunteer mappers

2015-09-13 Thread stevea
rogress and further growth in the USBRS, our national bicycle network. To begin your contributions to this OSM WikiProject, reply using steveaOSM at softworkers (dot) com. Put "USBR mapping in OSM" in the Subject line and say in which of these states you

Re: [Talk-us] Another road classification disagreement (this time with HFCS in Kansas)

2015-09-07 Thread stevea
fic* x. We absolutely should consider the needs of all x's in existence. [1] +1, Minh. Well said. Succinct. Timely. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2015-08-25 Thread stevea
, but it will be well worth it, and we can do it. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2015-08-21 Thread stevea
Uncle. Forests are not to be tagged forests. Tag as you like, everybody. We have a lot of work to do in this project. I'm now leaving for a national forest to recreate. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list https

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2015-08-20 Thread stevea
On 08/19/2015 07:25 PM, stevea wrote: This isn't extreme. Your backyard activity is consistent with the definition of a forest: a land which is used for the production of wood/lumber/timber/firewood/pulp/et cetera. Frederik, Frederik, Frederik...where do I begin?! According to our wiki

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2015-08-20 Thread stevea
others with differing views using ham-handed tactics and harsh words. I'm trying to be polite, upstanding, listening and open-hearted. All of us trying to move forward on this topic should strive to do so, too. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2015-08-19 Thread stevea
Jeffrey Ollie replies: On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 10:16 PM, stevea wrote: Me collecting firewood makes this a forest producing timber. Full stop. So my backyard is a forest now? My backyard has trees, and I collect all of the downed

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2015-08-18 Thread stevea
a number of discussions with people in resource management. This doesn't seem to be of the nature of disclosure, but thank you for sharing these experiences of yours. SteveA California Owner, National Forests of the USDA (along with hundreds of millions of other People

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2015-08-18 Thread stevea
, and so are landuse=forest. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2015-08-17 Thread stevea
cover is not specified by the landuse=* tag. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2015-08-17 Thread stevea
of water) to punch through and not draw the little trees icons there. It worked before, it can work this way again. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2015-08-17 Thread stevea
landuse=forest? That somehow isn't right. Not with the rendering toolchain as mapnik Standard is expressed today. I can be convinced with something better and more clear. For now, we have what we have. (Let's not forget we have free-form tagging, too). It continues. SteveA California

[Talk-us] USBR 45 in Minnesota, USBR 76 proposal in Kansas

2015-07-24 Thread stevea
wiki, email with file attachments, strong editors like JOSM and iD, Andy's Cycle Map renderer and good, clear communication allow great collaboration to take place, yielding awesome results -- and quickly! Go, OSM! SteveA California ___ Talk-us

Re: [Talk-us] Railway crossing challenge for MapRoulette

2015-07-21 Thread stevea
your sleeves and pitch in: with hundreds of thousands of miles of rail in the USA, there is a lot of work ahead to improve our national rail infrastructure! We can complete these tasks simultaneously -- I don't think one is necessarily prerequisite to the other. SteveA California

[Talk-us] USBR 45 in Minnesota, USBR 76 proposal in Kansas

2015-07-20 Thread stevea
and then Cycle Map will render the dashes as solid. You don't have to be from Kansas, but I have a feeling it would help. Thanks for reading, and if you do, thanks for replying! SteveA USBRS WikiProject coordinator California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] How to tag US/CA border crossing telephones?

2015-07-08 Thread stevea
here. So I'll just stop with that aspect of it (as talk-us may not be the appropriate venue -- perhaps a Discussion page in our wiki is) and leave it at that. SteveA California___ Talk-us mailing list https

Re: [Talk-us] Railway crossing challenge for MapRoulette

2015-07-07 Thread stevea
how these efforts have spread across the entire North American continent. Our rail is filling out nicely, even as there remains plenty to do. SteveA California (/Railroads wiki contributor) ___ Talk-us mailing list https

Re: [Talk-us] US bike routing, and unreviewed rural TIGER

2015-06-15 Thread stevea
possible, even likely that OSM gets lots of new surface tagging if we have a router that pays attention. (Data feeds usage, usage feeds data, ad infinitum). SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list https

Re: [Talk-us] US bike routing, and unreviewed rural TIGER

2015-06-14 Thread stevea
route than the algorithm does: much of the time, you can't beat it! SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Data sources for National Monument boundaries?

2015-06-14 Thread stevea
. If this is daunting, too large a dataset, or you need additional technical help, email me and I'll send you my Ten steps for getting USFS data into OSM tutorial, which I've sent out several times to grateful recipients. SteveA California ___ Talk

Re: [Talk-us] National Forest nature_reserve?

2015-06-03 Thread stevea
way to mean a certain semantic. Yet, too, this is a forest boundary. What we (the USA, OSM's wiki...) say a forest is, after all. That has a certain standing to remain as is: these are forests. Well, as of 3.6 years ago, maybe. We get smarter as we get older, right?! SteveA California

Re: [Talk-us] National Forest nature_reserve?

2015-06-02 Thread stevea
. SteveA California (after tagging a good many National Forests and their included Wildernesses in California) ___ Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Calling Idaho bicyclist-mappers!

2015-05-21 Thread stevea
are an Idaho OSM volunteer and can help do an on-the-ground survey to complete the last few miles of this recent bicycle infrastructure, our USBRS WikiProject sure would appreciate the completion! Thank you in advance, SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing

[Talk-us] USA Rail: Amtrak Northeast Regional to Norfolk?

2015-04-24 Thread stevea
). Thanks in advance if you can route Amtrak to Norfolk or Union Station in Chicago, SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] USA Rail: a progress report

2015-04-10 Thread stevea
reason I posted this. Part of it is better grass-roots enthusiasm generation (and perhaps how talk-us either does or doesn't fit into that). I'm in listening mode now. Respectfully, SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list Talk-us

Re: [Talk-us] Facts about the world

2015-04-09 Thread stevea
would rather listen and encourage others to discuss amongst themselves (especially those legally leaning amongst us). I find this a nodding point upon which we might switch topic headers. Sincerely, SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list Talk-us

[Talk-us] USA Rail: a progress report

2015-04-07 Thread stevea
in YOUR state? Regards, SteveA California (I think that's called cheerleading, and I'm not terribly embarrassed for having done so) ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Facts about the world

2015-04-04 Thread stevea
and be vigilant. We do all of these things, but if we still have problems (we do, but they do not threaten to make the project unworkable) we simply must do better. That's roll-up-our-sleeves work, but it isn't throw-up-our-hands the project is almost unworkable. Respectfully, SteveA

[Talk-us] CloudMade's ambassadors

2015-04-04 Thread stevea
Creating that enthusiasm is a huge challenge (anyone remember CloudMade's ambassadors?) I do! That's how I discovered OSM back in 2009. Thank you Sarah Manley, where ever you are. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list Talk-us

Re: [Talk-us] Facts about the world

2015-04-04 Thread stevea
. By the way, along with my GPS, a little wire-page note pad with pencil and my decent memory/brain, I certainly do my fair share of on-the-ground surveying, too. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list https

Re: [Talk-us] Facts about the world

2015-04-03 Thread stevea
On 04/03/2015 02:41 AM, stevea wrote: Erring on the side of high ground safety might be a good place to plant an initial flag, but if it's location is wrong and we need to move it to a more accurate place, we must do so. And Frederik Ramm replied: Frankly - no. OSM does not depend

Re: [Talk-us] New North America coverage of Osmose QA

2015-04-02 Thread stevea
Absolutely fantastic, awesome tool. What a triumph! Thank you Frédéric: I salute your efforts and am now exploring Osmose's depths and interface. Yay! SteveA California (a software and quality assurance professional for over thirty years, including stints at Apple and Adobe

Re: [Talk-us] USA Rail: Calling all OSM railfans! (especially in California)

2015-04-02 Thread stevea
expect anything else hundreds of kilometers long to have names. They are regulated by many levels of governmental agencies, whose job it is (partly) is to keep track of these names. Go get 'em, and go put 'em in OSM. Thanks to all who do. SteveA California

[Talk-us] Facts about the world

2015-04-02 Thread stevea
-- but that's another topic). It sounds like it is getting a bit shrill. I'll say it again: I wish light, not heat. SteveA California___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] USA Rail: Calling all OSM railfans! (especially in California)

2015-03-31 Thread stevea
Paul, I did notice that map seemed to be free of copyright and said so on list. I very much appreciate this reminder: don't other-map into OSM. True. Like I said, be careful. That goes for me, too. Good thing I was, and generally am. Regards, Steve

Re: [Talk-us] USA Rail: Calling all OSM railfans! (especially in California)

2015-03-31 Thread stevea
by April 2nd or 3rd? Regards, SteveA California [1] [2] ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] USA Rail: Calling all OSM railfans! (especially in California)

2015-03-31 Thread stevea
to answer other specific questions, but let's take them off-list. We can re-post if needed. SteveA California [1] [2]

Re: [Talk-us] USA Rail: Calling all OSM railfans! (especially in California)

2015-03-25 Thread stevea
way. It's all in those wikis. Makes sense? Regards, SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Retagging hamlets in the US

2015-03-22 Thread stevea
light, not heat, SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Retagging hamlets in the US

2015-03-22 Thread stevea
, this sounds like a good basis upon which to recruit more volunteers for our project SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] USA Rail: Calling all OSM railfans! (especially in California)

2015-03-19 Thread stevea
. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] USA Rail: Calling all OSM railfans! (especially in California)

2015-03-18 Thread stevea
. As is true of so many things OSM: there remains much more to do, but look what we've already done! Regards and happy mapping (whether rail or another sort), SteveA California ___ Talk

Re: [Talk-us] Retagging hamlets in the US

2015-03-17 Thread stevea
Outreach is awesome. Mechanical edits have their (rather limited, imho) place, but outreach is awesome. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Rail USA: an initial transcontinental super-relation declaration

2015-03-15 Thread stevea
enter a Northern Transcon super-relation, continuing to correctly build well-tagged rail infrastructure in the USA. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-talk] Your opinion about SOTM US

2015-03-12 Thread stevea
in the USA, we certainly cannot rest upon our laurels: we have significant catching up to do, especially with TIGER cleanup. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-talk] Your opinion about SOTM US

2015-03-10 Thread stevea
/WikiProject_United_States_railways), but TIGER data in general just need serious and sustained attention until consensus emerges that they don't. That seems a long way off so let's do our best to roll up our sleeves and identify how and where this might happen. SteveA California

Re: [Talk-us] Best practices for outdoor mapping party

2015-03-09 Thread stevea
I don't want to gush in a too self-congratulatory way, but the comments, tone, replies... we've seen on this thread have been awesome. Very nicely contributed, everybody, back pats and thumbs up all around. Keeping quiet for a bit now, SteveA California

Re: [Talk-us] Why?

2015-03-05 Thread stevea
(and intermediates experts -- even harder!), emphasizing quality data entry: skills and knowledge required. We do so now, certainly. And we grow the map as we build even more of these into the project. SteveA California (Thanks for your patience reading, I admit to being loquacious and had

Re: [Talk-us] Why?

2015-03-05 Thread stevea
resort. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Why?

2015-03-04 Thread stevea
a shopping center be built on this farmland in the future? Absolutely not, especially if it is still a working farm and no construction has yet started. Are we all agreed? Thanks for good, productive discussion. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing

Re: [Talk-us] Why?

2015-03-04 Thread stevea
be back in the Stone Age of data entry. OSM is a work in progress, and likely always will be. We can strive for excellence without demanding perfection. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list https

Re: [Talk-us] Why?

2015-03-03 Thread stevea
. In fact, it can be seen that some buildings have been added, and some have not. Call it a work in progress. OSM, Escondido and Escondido-in-OSM, that is. One brick (building, train station, bike route, pub, park bench...) at a time. SteveA California

Re: [Talk-us] OSM on Science Friday

2015-02-27 Thread stevea
Now linked into our wiki here: Thanks, Steve, Eric and Richard (Weait). Good program! SteveA California It was fun to do. Went to a studio and had some last minute problems with an ISDN line going down or something just before

[Talk-us] Rail USA early / pre alpha

2015-02-22 Thread stevea
rail, check it out. Heh: give us a project. OSM goes to town on it! SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Why does the USA currently lag in OSM map quality?

2015-02-17 Thread stevea
. Let's offer well-structured projects (for lack of a better word) for them to be a part of. This works, I can say from actual personal experience. It is part of a good future upon which to continue building our map. SteveA California ___ Talk-us

Re: [Talk-us] Rail westerly

2015-02-02 Thread stevea
as other, specific routing documentation) can fill in any additional details which may be needed. And, of course: have fun! SteveA California___ Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Rail USA (after about six weeks)

2015-01-29 Thread stevea
state in the USA? It makes for a great community project! Best regards, SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Santa Clara County (California) address import?

2015-01-29 Thread stevea
/Catalogue pages so you can do what they say. In short, I believe this is a reasonable thing to do. I encourage others to either encourage Tod as I do here, or submit good reasons why he shouldn't. Additional suggestions for improvement are, of course, welcome. Have fun! SteveA California

Re: [Talk-us] I've been workin' on the railroad (in California)

2015-01-17 Thread stevea
thanks, Marc. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Pennsylvania's quadrant routes

2015-01-16 Thread stevea
where SR might remain (or even replace), but I'm saying where a 2-letter state code can be used, please use it (in preference to SR). Unless a real case can be made for SR, as is true in this PA quadrant route example. SteveA California ___ Talk-us

[Talk-us] I've been workin' on the railroad (in California)

2015-01-15 Thread stevea
are welcome (and I know are out there). Perhaps a WikiProject would be helpful (if no more than a place to meet and chat). And: so far, so good. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] I've been workin' on the railroad (in California)

2015-01-15 Thread stevea
, Montana, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, Delaware, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Ohio. And probably a few other places in these fifty states. Yeah! SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list https

Re: [Talk-us] GNIS POI populations

2015-01-13 Thread stevea
of sensible projects. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Bike route relation issues

2015-01-11 Thread stevea
future. SteveA California ___ Talk-us mailing list

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