Hi guys, i am searching for people that can test the code / project that i
had done, come with suggestion of what can be improved, and how can this
tool help bring OSM in the hands of more people. The licence is AGPLV3+

PostGIS and OpenStreetMap seems to be used more only in Academics or by
people that know a medium or high degree of programming.

I think that we should change that and make more simple the availability of
Postgis as a tool that can help us visualize information's from the OSM
database much faster.

Also this will allow for a standardized way of writing and sharing Postgis
queries that allows anybody to analyze everything that is in OSM, even if
you need just a city, a country, a complete continent.

This will allow the possibility or reusing the code.

This Github Repo
<https://github.com/baditaflorin/osm-postgis-scripts/tree/master> was made
because :

Is really hard at the moment to load a osm.pbf file into Postgis Once you
have a osm.pbf file into PostGis, it`s hard to process the data, load the
data into Qgis for visual oversight,etc

If we are using the same code structure and respecting the same standards,
then we can also create and share Qgis Styles that can be re-used,
simplifying the process needed by experts of amateurs to load and visualize
OpenStreetMap data in QGIS, other GIS application that can load Postgis

Because we are using the same scripts, you can create a Qgis Style that you
can share it here on this Github, so that other people can fork your work
and create other things based on your work.

More info on my diary

Florin Badita
OSM Romania
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