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Hi all fellow OSM contributors and members,

2 weeks ago, I proposed the "ice rink" or simply "rink" feature, because I saw that there was nothing to tag and show these building (which can be "covered", like in a stadium or just simple not covered temporarly (but every year) rinks you can found in moutain villages in winter. I also searched something to tag a lake which is icing in winter. The reason is that at that moment, you can walk and "ice-skate" on it, but in some cases you can't do both, so we need 2 tags for this. I hope what I say doesn't amaze you, because there is a lake, 20 km from my house, where airplanes land and take off during two weeks!

So, please take a look at the http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Proposed_features/Ice_rink page, and help me answer my questions about "ice-skatable" lakes.
Thank you.


Mathieu Clément

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