*One month ago, HOT published a Field Coordinator position for the EUROSHA

As a reminder, EUROSHA is a European Union pilot project that wants to
build up a European Open-Source Humanitarian Aid corps of volunteers to
address humanitarian issues and specifically ensure inclusive humanitarian
information-sharing in crisis preparedness. 26 volunteers from Europe and
Africa will be deployed 6 months in 4 African countries (Chad,  Central
African Republic, Burundi and Kenya) for 6 months, starting mid October.
During these missions, HOT will support the volunteers in accomplishing the
training, mapping and outreach activities planned for each country during
the months of preparation, involving the EUROSHA local partner organization
as well as local and international humanitarian organizations, local
government institutions, and local tech or social communities.

We’d like to thank the persons who applied for the position of Field
Coordinator with HOT in the EUROSHA project: there is no doubt that you
will be able to contribute greatly to HOT projects in the future and we
will be contacting you if any further project arise.

Unfortunately the proficiency in French was a criteria insufficiently met
by the applicants. Since this project involves three French speaking
countries, we decided to reopen this position for another 15 days (until

Work includes one 3 weeks trip in November and potentially a second one
over January and February after evaluation of the first deployment.

The position requires familiarity with HOT work, experience in the OSM
project, strong expertise in JOSM, GPS, QGIS and other open source GIS
tools and a commitment to continue supporting the mapping project that
would have been set up throughout the mission.

Given the the tight deadlines on this project, we will be conducting
interviews as application come. **We would also like to encourage people
interested in working with HOT on-the-ground to take advantage of this call
to apply and get known by us.*
The complete description of the position:

More information on the Eurosha project:
* Severin MENARD
Senior Project Lead
France tel (+33) 9 7046 7595
Brasil tel1 (+55) 71 3355 4471
Brasil tel2 (+55) 71 8222 1145
Skype ID severin.menard
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