vegard wrote:
>Well. Then I come along, add an amenity=cafe, under a CCBYSA2.0-license. But
>at the wrong spot. And you, having chosen an OdBL-license, decides to move it
>to the correct position. Under what license is that node?
>This isn't going to be easy, hardly possible? :)

I did not say it would be easy, but technically
possible, something we cannot say about the license discussions...

In general, history of objects has to be taken into account.

Depending on the extract, your café will be on the old or on the new
spot, or not listed at all.

I did not say that that an extract under one (1) license
choice would lead to a meaning full result, but that it
would end the discussion until everyone understands the 

John said:
>You could just add the license information as part of the changeset tags, that 
>way there is no changes to OSMs DB needed.

But then, during an extract, the changeset database will have to be used... I 
don't know if that is as easy.


Gert Gremmen
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