
I've found one approximate match in GNS so far (Mota- Kha-n Darra for requested Mota Khan Danda), if that source may help (http://geonames.nga.mil - it is compatible with OSM, unlike geonames.org).

Best wishes,


(present on #hot and #osm IRC channels, on oftc.net)

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: [CrisisMappers] Crowd Sourcing Location of Flood Affect Villages in KP Pakistan
Date :  Fri, 27 Aug 2010 02:32:01 +1000
De :    Shoaib Burq <sab...@gmail.com>
Répondre à :    crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour : crisismapp...@googlegroups.com, crisiscomm...@googlegroups.com, Kashif Rasul <kashif.ra...@gmail.com>

Hi everyone,

I have setup a public google spreadsheet of flood affected villages in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa at http://bit.ly/pkflood_kp

We desperately need these villages geocoded. This information will be used to conduct things like helli-drops, providing medical aid and sending doctors or other personnel to villages worst affected.

Can I ask anyone with some time on their hands to start by

1. checking http://www.geonames.org/advanced-search.html? for the village. If a location is found add it to the latitude and longitude. If you feel the need to verify the location from a second independent source check another geocoder as well.

2. verifying  it from second source
I have set up openlayers here with the geonames embedded in it: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1415964/pkfloods_dma.html I will try to turn this into a proper mashup so that searches appear on the map tomorrow - that way we can see our search on the map

3. Feel free to suggest improvement and also share with anyone you know who can assist

Shoaib Burq
skype: spatialgoat
twitter.com/sabman <http://twitter.com/sabman>

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