I'll forward this from the GpsDrive Mailinglist. Maybe someone is interested 
in investigating and importing this Datasource ...

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Betreff: Re: [ gpsdrive ] Nautical maps
Datum: Montag 03 März 2008
An: GPSdrive discussion list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


... deleted some GpsDrive specific stuff 

> I see no reason why the S-57 vector data could not be integrated into
> GpsDrive in the same way OpenStreetMap has been. (NOAA products are
> without copyright)

Is there a chance (speaking of license) to import these vector Data into 
openstreetmap. This would even increase the benefit....

> If the maps are license compatible

that's not a problem for the NOAA data, like the USA TIGER data which
just went into OSM the US Gov't data is without copyright.

But that is only true for the US's S-57 navigation data. S-57 is a data
format standard published by the International Hydrographic
Organisation (IHO). AFAIK other countries are mostly standardizing on
the format but their distribution terms are not as nice for us. I think
Canada releases theirs (license unknown to me). A quick web search
indicates that C-Map's CM-93/3 format appears to be S57 complaint.

The IHO's S-52 document states how to render those data features
(colors, symbology, etc). Luckily we already have GPL code for that
mostly done from OpenEV's S52 plugin. (http://openev.sf.net)

> another way could be to add another mapserver to gpsfetchmap. You
> normally should only have a look at the other download methods and
> from this you normally can add most new ones.

AFAIK there is no official online mapserver, just a page you can
download .zips of the data.

If someone is keen(!), here is how to set one up:

It might be very useful to abstract gpsfetchmap to connect to any Open
Geospatial Consortium (OGC) WMS server. (NASA's OnEarth server is an
example, but there are thousands)
  (hunt with a websearch for "s-57+mapserver")

NOAA apparently provides the S57 images that way already(!):

"The Open Geospatial Consortium Web Map Service (WMS) protocol defines
simple interface for web based mapping applications. The WMS protocol
based on a simple query syntax for posting a request for the desired
layers and region to the server, which returns a map as a standard
image (GIF, PNG or other format). The capabilities of a Web Map Service
are described in an XML (Extensible Markup Language) document."

so maybe it is quite easy? (!)

Both QGIS and GRASS have GPL code to connect to WMS servers via http
and fetch given data which could be used. You can select your
projection and image pixel width+height so we can just ask for LL/WGS84
by EPSG code and 1280x1024 and be 95% of the way there.

> > I see no reason why the S-57 vector data could not be integrated
> > into GpsDrive in the same way OpenStreetMap has been. (NOAA
> > products are without copyright)

> Is there a chance (speaking of license) to import these vector Data
> into openstreetmap. This would even increase the benefit....

This is a very wonderful idea. I have no involvement in the OSM
project, maybe you could raise it?

Again for the US supplied data license is not a problem, but NOAA does
make it very clear that for navigation at sea purposes they would like
you to use the official sources and have them as up to date as
possible. If you are steering at night and navigating by a light buoy,
and the light has been moved from where it is on your old chart, you
could hit a rock, sink, and die. Navigation is a lot riskier when you
don't have a road to follow. [the same is true for using old out of
date paper charts, of course, and river bars can move with every

That is not to discourage putting the data into OSM, just that it is
quite important to build in quality control measures from the start,
and have some automated way to incorporate the update patches as they

The S-52 symbology and coloring would ideally need to be built into
whatever rendering engine dealt with it. (promote a worldwide standard
so mistakes don't arise from failure to translate from localized symbol
sets etc)

FWIW, if we build in vector map support from GDAL/OGR we instantly get
access to the S-57 data format. (but you still need to parse it)

that's all for now,

Jörg (Germany, Munich)

Tel.: +49 89 420950304
Skype: JoergOstertag

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