OK I've raised an issue on id and it's been closed as invalid.

Having now dug into the id code and got to the point where I am now playing with my own version of the style sheets and icons, I'm able to understand better why I'm HAVING problems. One of the major differences is the use of black as the background, rather than the lighter colour of P2 and the map itself.

Selecting backgrounds such as Open Streetview leave much of the detail invisible as white against white, and while the use of the 50% setting allows the details to be seen, the background is then unusable. I had though this was due to the different way the background is 'dimmed' which is the approach used on P2, but it is more to do with inverting the default background and trying to use white for everything is not working.

My original issue and the one raised is strange since id IS defaulting to a black background, but the recent update to the bing tiles around here has resulted in them being somewhat darker than they used to be. When one is trying to use line and area, the cursor is black on a dark image and I was having trouble even locating it. I've switched the cursor to white and for the imagery this is a lot more usable, but obviously now a problem with the lighter background imagery.

Is nobody else find these problems with the defaults id has adopted? It's certainly unusable with Open Streetview when boundaries like fences and the like are involved. And while my restructure of the style helps in some areas, it's still not able to provide a complete solution. I've not worked out yet how to add back all the missing icons which are displaying as blank bubbles in the areas I'm working, but I can at least colour the elements that are present. It is amazing how similar a beer glass and a petrol pump are when both displayed in black

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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