Hi all,

for those of you not reading the dev mailing list I'd like to let
you know, that OpenStreetMap will try to participate in Google
Summer of Code once again.

We're therefore currently setting up the wiki pages and our
application to Google. However, for a good application we need
good and useful project ideas. As of writing this we have 4
project ideas online but could use more.

So if you have an idea yourself or know someone with a great idea
please help us. Add your idea to the project ideas pageĀ¹ or ask
here, on IRC or on the forum if the idea is feasable and to
search for a potential mentor for your idea.


p.s. also people who'd like to mentor without a specific project could
add thereself to the list of potential mentorsĀ²

[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2015/Project_Ideas

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