I think it will be time-concuming to find a particular topic about this subject. However, I have the feeling that Tom's claim about what is the slippy map being for mappers more than for users is deeply anchored in the community.
I think others can back up this.

IMO, the fact that the map isn't considered particularly 'nice' or is looking a bit 'special' for everyday purpose is probably the best argument. Another one can be the presence of Mapquest Open tiles on the front page too.

That being said, I would be pleased to see the current slippy map style evolve in parallel as an *alternate*, general-purpose map style like Gmap or Mapquest Open community-driven like openstreetmap-carto these days.


On 25.07.2014 19:13, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
Hi Tom,

On 25 July 2014 15:26, Tom Hughes <t...@compton.nu> wrote:
Traditionally we have always said that out web site is aimed at supporting
mappers and not at providing end user services like helping people navigate
- we provide the data to let other people build services like that.
I have been looking before at history of the mailing lists etc. to see
if I could find back discussions about the  'purpose of the main map',
but I couldn't find anything. I would be very interested to read what
has been discussed in the past about this topic, and which arguments
were given. Do you remember where this has been discussed? Even a
rough year, or whether it was the forum/mailing list/irc, would help
already. Hopefully you can help.

-- Matthijs

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