Not such a bad idea.  I'd prefer the syntax to be more like

  motorcar:access_start = [yyyy-mm-dd] [hh:mm] [-zzzz]
  motorcar:access_end   = [yyyy-mm-dd] [hh:mm] [+zzzz]

which then also allows for both daily and seasonal variations (ie. there's 
the Alaskan ice road which disappears in the summer months)

For datetime syntax proposals see the Microformats discussions on datetime-
design-patterns and the HTML5 date element:

(note that datetime patterns have been discussed ad nauseum by the 
Microformatters, and I wouldn't wish such misfortune on the nice mapping 


On 4 Nov 2008 at 19:47, Andrew Chadwick (mailing list wrote:

>It is currently possible to set up access restrictions[1], and then
>use hour_on, day_on and date_on and their *_off equivalents to state
>that the "access closure" is lifted at some times. I take this as
>meaning that all normally restricted traffic is permitted as if it
>were foo_access=yes between say hour_off and hour_on.
>Near where I live, there is a street that is motorcar=no|bicycle=no
>for most of the day, but which lifts its bicycle=no restriction *but
>not* its motorcar=no restriction between 18:00-07:00 approx. This is
>signposted, but cannot be tagged in the current scheme.
>I know that 
>  and 
>_space have mentioned this drawback with the existing scheme, but
>these proposals are enormous lumbering affairs that try to replace the
>entire access tagging scheme, and which are in competition with each
>other for resources. It's like watching dinosaurs or something.
>The small egg-stealing proto-mammal in me has an itch it wants to
>scratch *right now*, so what do people feel about
>   motorcar:hour_off
>   motorcar:hour_on
>or in other words
>   <mode>:<period>_{on|off}
>with logic like a global access=foo being overridden by more specific
>cases like motorcar=bar? In other words, patterned after the current
>scheme; a global hour_on would be overridden by a more specific
>Andrew Chadwick
>talk mailing list

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