I came across this article describing SharedStreets which is intended to be
an open platform for city governments and private entities like Uber to
share street-related data like traffic data, taxi/cab pickup points, and
the like. The chief architect for SharedStreets says: "What GTFS does for
transit, we’re doing for streets."


Here's the SharedStreets website:

And it links to the SharedStreets GitHub repository which explains the
technical details.

It seems that they can ingest OSM (or another set of geodata) to generate
an abstracted topology of the street network based on street intersections
and the street segments connecting them.

Here is their FAQ with respect to OSM:

*How does this relate to OpenStreetMap? (Or, doesn't OSM already do this?)*
> SharedStreets complements OpenStreetMap. OSM does not attempt to provide
> stable IDs, and complex OSM ways make many applications difficult to build
> using raw OSM data.
> SharedStreets provides a layer of abstraction on top of OSM, allowing
> users to work with the topology of OpenStreetMaps data without dealing with
> the details how OSM ways are encoded.
> By providing direct references to OSM way and node IDs users can always
> query and relate SharedStreets references back to the underlying OSM data
> where needed.
> We believe that SharedStreets will allow users to more rapidly improve
> OpenStreetMap data by making it easier to identify missing streets, or
> opportunities to improve street geometry and connectivity.
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