I'm trying something new to get more visibility to upcoming potential 
website changes, as well as recent website changes. I won't include the 
introductory material next time, but it's worth explaining what I'm 
doing this time. The purpose is both to get a wider audience for the 
discussion of changes and to inform people what's going on. 

For more information about this message and the criteria, see the github 
repo https://github.com/osmlab/openstreetmap-upcoming-features

My criteria for inclusion are 

* User facing: I won't generally include changes that aren't visible on 

* Changes in functionality: I won't count changes that are purely bug 
fixes or changes that aren't apparent to the user 

* Noticeable: There are lots of minor changes to the website to fix 
minor issues. Many of these are immediately merged. 

* Would benefit from comments: I only include changes that stand a 
reasonable chance of being merged in the near future, or changes that 
would benefit from a wider audience 

Feedback on these criteria is welcome, but I have no intention of 
posting every little website change to the list. If you want that, 
follow the issue trackers. 

Most changes are in the openstreetmap-website project at 
https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website although I will 
include other projects if I'm aware of interesting changes. 

== Changes == 

If you have comments on these changes, the best place is on the 
appropriate github page for the change, which I try to link.

=== Make iD default editor ===

Makes iD the editor that opens up by default when users click Edit

=== Convert user navigation to a dropdown menu ===

Turns the links in the top-right into a drop-down menu.

Deployed at http://user.apis.dev.openstreetmap.org/

=== Add a help jumping-off page ===

Adds a new help tab to the top, with links on that tab replacing the 
current Documentation and Help Center. Add new links to other resources. 

=== Rationalize multiple "locate me" type functions ===

Discussion about confusion and duplication between "Where am I?", home 
and the new geolocation button. Suggestions of removal of "Where am I?" 

== Significant merges == 

Add attribution control #423 

Add welcome page #338

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