Mapperos, as you know, occurred an earthquake magnitude 7.1 in Mexico.

At the request of the presidency of that country and in coordination with
OCHA, the Humanitarian Mapping Unit of Colombia, has requested the
activation of the disasterscharter [0]  for that event,

The activation has been accepted, which is why the mapping task [1]
proposed for the earthquake is more relevant, since the pre-disaster
information that will be used will be used for the damage analysis.

Therefore we ask you to help us map in this task and if possible organize
mapathon with your local teams.

We appreciate the timely collaboration.

Fredy Rivera
President OSM Foundation Colombia
Coordinator Humanitarian Mapping Unit #UMH

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Twitter: @fredy_rivera
Titán Caracol en Técnología y Conectividad
Coordinador Unidad de Mapeo Humanitario #UMH
Presidente Fundación OSM Colombia
Phone: 3044886255
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