
this year the international OpenStreetMap conference called State of the
Map, takes place in Heidelberg, Germany. The programme has been
published a few weeks ago, (almost) all descriptions of the talks were
published on Wednesday.

SotM is the chance to get in touch with many other people from the OSM
community. In addition to the talks and workshops, there will be rooms
for self-organised sessions where people spontaneously discuss topics
they care about. Some people think that this is the more important part
of SotM than the talks. :-)

Early bird tickets are available until 21 July:
Community EUR 75
Business EUR 180


Tickets include admission to the social event (likely on Saturday) and
the poster exhibition (likely on Sunday).

Given the number of tickets sold already, I (as one of the organisers)
would not be surprised if SotM will be sold out this year. Don't buy
your ticket too late.

BTW, you can submit posters until 18 August for the poster exhibition.
Attendance at the conference is not required for it.

Best regards


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