Hi ulil, thanks for contacting us, I'm Beerforfree. I know you were a
little upset to me due to the reverts I've done on several of your edits.
Do not take it for bad, there are a lot of foreigners helping in building
OSM Argentina and for sure you're welcome as well, we just need to keep
some order and follow some rules which are very easy to follow so as to
setup sinergy and join efforts. We all want the best out of OSM and your
work is valuable as well.

Here some hints for a better mapping

1) Large edits are more error prone than small ones
2) Mixed edits are more error prone than dedicated ones

Therfore is better to focus in a single task, e.g. drawing buildings in a
specific area. After you have finished them --> upload
Your mind is concentrated in just one thing (the buildings) and can't be
distracted with other stuff (drawing railways)
Upload a small chunk of changes, in case something went wrong it's easy to
identify and fix the errors

We've people specialized in different stuff
Me: geometry, highways, traffic directions, turn restrictions
other: cicleways
other: railways

We specially miss POIs, buildings, house numbers,...

I think you will find your place inside our community as anyone of us did,
feel free to contacts us
Talk-ar mailing list

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