Maybe I my message will be a kick-off of messages of negative energy or it will end up in a fruitful discussion (for me and maybe others too) - I don't know.

My question: Do we really need a Code Of Conduct saying us how we should respect each other?

This sounds stupid to me. You did explain me that people actually need a CoC but I certainly cannot believe this. Is our world so full of darkness and so little of colour? I certainly cannot believe this.

Maybe it's me - a stupid 20 years old boy seeing this different - not getting the point but maybe it's the othere who are stupid and needing a CoC in order to know how to cope with different people from different kind (not in a racist saying but in a saying of natural diversity of human). Diversity is human and we don't need a CoC when we can see individuals as individuals. Individuals are always in groups but that shouldn't prevent us from seeing them a individuals.

E.g. I see each woman as an individual but also as an woman (being in the group women). Or even better I see each mapper as an individual but also as an mapper (being in the group mappers).
Simple saying I see an individual as an individual but also take the group into consideration. An individual is in more than one group and in certain situations we need to take more than just one group into consideration.

Seriously don't get me wrong: I am for diversity and I know what human can achieve with diversity. I only believe that a CoC in a way you think of (as a set of rules of good respectful behaviour). Instead I think we should try to convey the Yggdrasil view of the world. Let us get them to see users as individuals and at the same time let us get them to take the different groups (worlds) into consideration.


Sören Reinecke alias Valor Naram

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Diversity-talk] Code of conduct
From: Maggie Cawley
To: diversity-talk
CC: OSMF Local Chapters WG ,Gertrude Namitala ,Mikel Maron ,Rob Nickerson ,Community Working Group ,Miriam Mapanauta

I am so happy to see this thread. I believe it will take all of us coming together and speaking with a unified voice to bring upon the change we need at the global level. As Clifford mentioned, a few of us from the LCCWG met on Monday to start talking about next steps. It's not about one statement, but rather that discussions and comments like those from this past week affect us all as we work to build diverse communities around the world.   

Rob, Clifford and I discussed the need for a CoC, but when Rob pointed out the Etiquette Guidelines exist and are pretty widely accepted it seems like a logical place to start. It would also enable us to move a bit more quickly since the document exists and won't need many rounds of community feedback. What is missing is the process for moderation and a committee available to moderate any complaints on breaches of etiquette. It would be helpful to review and suggest edits to the existing guidelines during this process as well. For the US CoC it took about 8 months to finalize the CoC and moderation process, and find volunteers for a committee.

I look forward to growing the conversation. Thanks Heather for starting this thread here and to all of you who are stepping forward!

Maggie Cawley

On Tue, 8 Dec 2020 at 21:30, arnalie faye vicario <> wrote:

Salamat/Thanks everyone for continuing the conversations and taking this seriously.

It is good to speak up and comment about it in our individual capacities, but a collective can build a fire 🔥 (charcoal comparison). 

Also, I would like to quote and highlight what David Garcia (@mapmakerdavid) has shared in Twitter:
It is not just the maps that matters. Who makes the maps matters. Who tells the stories of the mapping matters, too. Who LEADS the mapping and storytelling also matters. Who gets powerful due to the mapping and storytelling matters most.

Thank you Geochicas, Celine @mapeadora, Heather, Rebecca, Miriam @mapanauta, Nelson Minar, LCCWG Group, OSMF past/present Board members (Kate, Rory and Mikel), HOT Community WG and everyone who expressed support and has spoken up (apologies if I missed your name). It is really encouraging and inspiring. Please add your thoughts in the document:

In case you missed it (like me), here is what Celine sent in the OSM talk mailing list:

Let us keep the fire burning!


On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 5:54 AM Clifford Snow <> wrote:
I should mention that what we, Maggie Crawely, Rob Nickerson and myself, want to accomplish is to create a committee to moderate the existing etiquette guidelines and later update the guidelines to reflect best practices of Code of Conducts.We planned to form a sub committee under the LCCWG since CoC is critical to Local Chapters. We did a survey of Local Chapters and those considering forming one. The results showed that 5 LC already had a CoC, 6 did not and 6 were consider or in a discussion to have a CoC.


On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 1:36 PM Heather Leson <> wrote:
Heather Leson
Twitter/skype: HeatherLeson

On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 10:31 PM Clifford Snow <> wrote:
Heather - A small group of the LCCWG met via BigBlueButton yesterday to start a similar initiative. I was going to send an invite to the rest of the LCCWG as well as to this mailing list. Since you have the ball rolling, can you include in the mailing.

On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 1:22 PM Heather Leson <> wrote:
Great. working in the draft now. 

Thank you right back. Saturday is just a way to discuss this restart. We can keep building.


Heather Leson
Twitter/skype: HeatherLeson

On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 10:10 PM Gertrude Namitala <> wrote:
Thanks Heather for starting this. I will try to be available.

Kind regards,

On Tue, 8 Dec 2020, 23:05 Mikel Maron, <> wrote:
This is great

* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

On Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 03:55:49 PM EST, Heather Leson <> wrote:

Great!   Editing now
Hope we can have an initial chat


Heather Leson
Twitter/skype: HeatherLeson

On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 9:33 PM Rebecca Firth <> wrote:
> Hi Heather,
> Thanks for setting that up - I'll need to jig some things around but really hope to be able to join that meeting. Some people had already started working on a statement to share. I am sharing here for allies to add comments they would like to raise, and to identify people who are keen to move this work forward:
> Thanks,
> Rebecca
> On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 8:21 PM Heather Leson <> wrote:
>> Hey 
>> A few of us are going to meet this saturday about code of conduct in osm. There is a codw of conduct but we think there needs to be more. We can also touch on the diversity work that mikel shared previously.
>> 1500 utc before the osmf board meeting at 1600 utc.
>> Hope you can join. This will be a small group discussion. We can always widen the circle later.
>> Link to be shared later. Note this will be a safe and positive space discussion. We will adhere strongly to the diversity list code. 
>> Thanks so much
>> Heather 
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