
You might be interested to have a view on my new OpenStreetMap project:
PTMap - a public transport map. Runs 100% in the browser, uses Overpass API
as database (I hope that overpass-api.de won't overload as a result).

-> https://ptmap.plepe.at

Have fun!


PS: Find the source at https://github.com/plepe/ptmap
Seid unbequem, seid Sand, nicht Öl im Getriebe der Welt! - Günther Eich
| Stephan Bösch-Plepelits  ❤ code ❤ urbanism ❤ free software ❤ cycling |
| Projects:                                                            |
| > OpenStreetMap: openstreetmap.at > openstreetbrowser.org > pgmapcss |
| > Urbanism: Radlobby Wien 15                                         |
| Contact:                                                             |
| > Mail: sk...@xover.mud.at > Blog: plepe.at > Code: github.com/plepe |
| > Twitter: twitter.com/plepe > Jabber: sk...@jabber.at               |

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