The routing service demo web application, Peter mentioned, is good for 
testing long routes, but has two major disadvantages. The first is that 
the data is only updated on a weekly basis. The second is it can be 
tricky to locate the problem with a route.

I have had a play with Gosmore.
You can export (or save) the .osm data from Openstreetmap (JOSM), build 
the routing data, and then test routes by center clicking the start 
point and right clicking the end point with the mouse. Left click the 
edge of the map to pan. This means you are working with the latest data 
and can test between any two points.

Do not be put off by the mention of 3 hours processing time and 90 GB 
disk space(that is for all the planet OSm data). It is quite quick and 
uses a modest amount of disk space for reasonable size areas.

I have noticed that highways tagged with oneway=no are not handled 
properly by Gosmore which will not use such roads for routing. As the 
routing service demo web application uses Gosmore for routing I expect 
it has the same issue.

Roy Rankin

Peter Ross wrote:
> Hi all,
> Having seen the recent discussion about using the garmin maps (sob my
> poor old etrex legend doesn't support routing, but doesn't have the
> decency to die so I can justify buying a new one) to find problems
> with the osm data, I thought a reminder for all of those without a
> garmin gps with routing, you can instead goto
> and see what
> routes it calculates.
> I've tested Melbourne to Newcastle and it looks good apart from
> getting off one exit to early.
> Pete
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