On 11/11/2015 9:04 PM, Leith Bade wrote:
We hope in the future to also make use of route relations, however the key piece of software (osm2pgsql) we use to work with OSM does not support them.

osm2pgsql does support route relations, and will in fact import them with the default style.

Where it's a bit more work is if you want to interpret tags from both relations and the ways that make them. I expected to do that soon, and it's not going to involve any SQL.

What is hard is if you want the style of your shield to depend on the highway (e.g. different shields for tertiary, secondary, etc) and to render shields from refs on ways if no relations are present and to override refs on ways.

If someone from Mapbox wants to work with me to clear up any documentation on how to do this, and to provide examples, they should get in touch with me. Rewriting osm2pgsql is not to be taken on by the feint of heart, or at the end, by the sane, and making full use of community supported existing tools is generally preferred to writing new ones.

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