On Wed, 27 Apr 2016 08:17:04 PM m.james wrote:
> If you want to grab the updated data from OSM and try it with your buggy
> routing engines turned back on and see if they still break or if that fixes
> it for them.
        Sorry for the delay, business got crazy since your response.

        Sequentially tried all the routing engines in Marble and now all give 
same error, even OSRM.   The error even displays the html tags: "Drive null 
onto <b>Murray Valley Highway, B400</b>".  Would that be in the rendering of 
the instructions onto the map ie problem in Marble, or how the engine outputs 
the instruction?

        The routing engines used are: CycleStreets; Gosmore; MapQuest; Monav; 
OSRM; OpenRouteService; Routino and Yours.  Any of these better or worse?

        I'm still new to OSM protocols,learning from this list.  What is 
considered essential data to include for a feature and what is optional?  
Another way of thinking about it is what should be left unset and what should 
be specified?  So for this roundabout on a B highway still in town boundaries, 
can we assume 60kph on asphalt and leave them unset?

        What is the consensus on preferred editor? I have only used iD so far.  
Looking at Potlatch, it handles these attributes in a different way.  I have 
JOSM and Merkaartor, but haven't really used them yet.
Simon Slater

Registered Linux User #463789

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