Question that just came to mind after discussions on tagging list.

Just entered some details for a property in Western Qld, & started to
include a turkey nest dam, but
then thought, what's it actually called?

Is it a waterway=dam? - not on  waterway so wouldn't have thought so

natural=water + water=reservoir / landuse=reservoir? "A *reservoir* is an
artificial lake is used to store water. Usually formed by a dam over a
natural water course, water then backs up into a natural valley or
depression" so no, not really?

landuse=basin + basin=retention? "An area of land artificially graded to
hold water" "retention basin
<> catches storm water and
retains it, forming an artificial pond" so I guess that's the best
solution, but it doesn't really describe what you're looking at, because
anybody looking for a turkey nest dam isn't going to be looking for a
retention basin & vice versa!

Oz guidelines don't mention them, just windmills & bores.


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