
Shoulders should always be tagged appropriately.

Shoulders legally in Australia can be used by all bicycles - whether or not
they have a bicycle stencil (painted bicycle sign)  And a bicycle lane is
legally indicated by a sign and not a stencil.  Legally the stencil has no
meaning at all.

My personal advice currently in Australia is to caution against indicating
there is bicycle infrastructure where there is no amenity.   Since, this is
a far greater problem in OSM than missing cycle routes and infrastructure,
and takes far longer to correct and survey.  Google Maps has actually come
from behind to lead OSM in this aspect now in Sydney in most areas.

That said, most motorways that have a wide shoulder, a cycle stencil, and
permit cycling have a bicycle lane indicated.  I think this is probably


On Tue, 21 Jan 2020 at 14:19, Sebastian S. <mapp...@consebt.de> wrote:

> Hi, what is the view of tagging road shoulders and particularly when they
> have painted bicycle signs?
> Motorways would be another candidate.
> A wiki entry for shoulder exists but is very basic
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:shoulder
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