# Upcoming events
State: ACT
Thank you for making me welcome in this forum. Thank you also for your inquiry 
about my last post. There are several upcoming events. Please feel welcome to 
make constructive suggestions.
## Mapping Party ACT
If you are interested learning more about the ACT. sharing what you know, and 
wish to make improvements to the ACT please register here. Further information 
will be forthcoming.
Each “meeting” will focus on a particular theme. Here are some.
- Mapping the Molonglo Nature Reserve
- Mapping the Namadgi National Park
- Improving ACT mas for mountain biking
- Bike routes and better bike routes
## Upcoming discussion topics for the ACT
I will be posting more discussion topics in the coming weeks. For each topic, 
the OSM Wiki current position and contradictions will be considered, and 
examples from ACT OSM maps reviewed. The intent is not only to improve the 
quality and consistency of the mapping in the ACT but also make suggestions for 
OSM Wiki pages including additions and changes to the ACT sections of the 
Australian Guidelines. It should be a lot of fun. :-)

Here are the upcoming topics.
- Discussion C: Two steps forward and one step back: confusion about tagging 
bike tracks in the ACT
- Discussion D: All in a name: nomenclature for routes (relations) in the ACT
- Discussion E: Non-destructive editing: lifecycles, updates, and retaining 
## Notes on markup formatting:
# first level header
## this gives you a second-level header
- this indents the paragraph
*** this puts a line between two paragraphs
## Motto
"You cannot know what you dont know and nobody can know everything. We have 
something to learn from each other."
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