Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-05 Thread John Smith
--- On Sat, 4/7/09, Rick Peterson wrote: The 'addr:postcode' key is in the presets because it's the recommended way of entering a postcode (should you want to) when applying street numbering along a way. It doesn't really apply when providing a postcode for a suburb

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-05 Thread John Smith
I just added all the religious denominations to the list, however this isn't technically correct since certain denominations are only valid with certain religions. To do this cleanly I'll need to expand the code + data to cope with this type of multi-type matching.

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-05 Thread Rick Peterson
John Smith wrote: What is, if anything, used for place markers or other types of non-address specific markers? I'm not sure that I understand? You're probably aware that the 'place' key is used for countries, states, cities, towns, villages, suburbs etc

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-05 Thread John Smith
--- On Sun, 5/7/09, Rick Peterson wrote: The 'postal_code' key also makes an appearance nearby in the next table down. Yea I noticed that after and since it was listed decided to add it to the ignore cfg file I was building, which has been incorporated into SVN, not

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-05 Thread Rick Peterson
John Smith wrote: Yes, there seems to be a couple of cultural/language/country differences I'm haggling over in the bug list that may need some extra input from others, such as naming junction=roundabouts. I suspect this issue is going to be

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-05 Thread John Smith
--- On Sun, 5/7/09, Rick Peterson wrote: A different ticket addresses adding certain agreed keys to the preset menu, but is yet to be actioned. I was never really worried about this issue, I was misled down this path when all I wanted was a way to have them not show

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-05 Thread John Smith
--- On Sun, 5/7/09, Rick Peterson wrote: Perhaps you could clarify the changes that have been incorporated, and those that remain outstanding? A couple more patches have been accepted and are available for update, however when I went to update I got a message telling me

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-04 Thread John Smith
--- On Sat, 4/7/09, Rick Peterson wrote: That's why I suggested suppressing these kind of validation errors when an ABS boundary way is involved for a while until a considered (and practical) method of combining them is sorted out. Yup, I found a similar situation and

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-04 Thread John Smith
I just built a new version of the validator plugin, I enabled unclassified roads to be shown as a warning if they had no name, I updated this to exclude access=private bug+patch: I also coded a cleaner way to exclude junction=roundabout bug+patch:

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-04 Thread Rick Peterson
John Smith wrote: submitted a bug about all the false positives about the "Presets do not contain property key" validation errors The validator informational (Other) warning says: "Presets do not contain property key" This led me to

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-04 Thread John Smith
--- On Sat, 4/7/09, Rick Peterson wrote: I'm wondering that if we add a separate preset file that includes these things (even though I can't see why it would be necessary to have such specialist keys available in the Preset menu) will those errors disappear in

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-04 Thread Rick Peterson
John Smith wrote: It looks like the validator plugin uses the presets to match against, however I'm starting to agree that these shouldn't be presets but they shouldn't be showing up as errors either. I'll see if I can hack something together as a general ignore list, even if they

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-04 Thread John Smith
I ended up splitting JOSM ticket #2803 into 2 tickets, the first is about keys not being ignored that probably shouldn't show up as warnings like*. The second ticket, #2807, is about missing presets that are showing up as warnings when they are actually valid and probably should be

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-04 Thread John Smith
I just fixed bug #2794, about a highway=turning_circle not being considered terminal, and so if it's near another way it will throw a warning still. Patch is attached to the bug report. validator.jar: Now all I need is some kind of dead_end tag to search/filter so

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-04 Thread John Smith
Now all I need is some kind of dead_end tag to search/filter so they don't show up as unconnected, suggestions? Never mind... noexit=yes ___ Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-04 Thread Rick Peterson
John Smith wrote: ... I have a new version uploaded that ignores a lot of the ABS tags, there is still some missing preset tags but that's a job for someone else really. Good job John, that version of the validator.jar clears all of the ABS key/preset

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-04 Thread John Smith
--- On Sat, 4/7/09, Rick Peterson wrote: I see only the postal_code key remains in the Validator warning, but that is showing against the ABS Postcode relation and not the ways on the screen. The standard presets do use a postcode key, but in the Karlsruhe Schema

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-04 Thread John Smith
the screen. The standard presets do use a postcode key, but in the Karlsruhe Schema format of addr:postcode. What is the right thing to do here? Also why did the bulk import vary from what everyone else is doing? ___ Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-04 Thread John Smith
--- On Sat, 4/7/09, John Smith wrote: I just fixed bug #2794, about a highway=turning_circle not being considered terminal, and so if it's near another way it will throw a warning still. Patch is attached to the bug report. I found another corner case where the way

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-04 Thread Rick Peterson
John Smith wrote: Rick: Karlsruhe Schema format of "addr:postcode". John: What is the right thing to do here? Also why did the bulk import vary from what everyone else is doing? The 'addr:postcode' key is in the presets because it's the recommended way of entering a

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-03 Thread Rick Peterson
John Smith wrote: Forgot to ask, is there any more situations that isn't validly shown up as a warning/error but should be, or errors that shouldn't be that are shown up? The ABS boundary data import throws up a LOT of warnings and information notes in JOSM validator. Some might simply ignore

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-03 Thread John Smith
--- On Fri, 3/7/09, Rick Peterson wrote: The ABS boundary data import throws up a LOT of warnings and information notes in JOSM validator. Some might simply ignore the errors! Others might do some 'interesting' adjustments in an effort to clear the errors. I just

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-03 Thread John Smith
--- On Fri, 3/7/09, John Smith wrote: occur, in fact when I marked an ABS boundary as highway=unclassified it didn't show up as a warning about being unnamed. Actually looking through code it seems no highway=unclassified will throw up an unnamed error.

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-03 Thread John Smith
I submitted a bug about all the false positives I'm getting, feel free to add to the list: ___ Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-02 Thread John Smith
--- On Thu, 2/7/09, John Smith wrote: Step 1 is to pull the JOSM code from SVN: svn co /usr/src/osm I cheated, I used the debian/rules file to rebuild it ;) However I did seem to manage to get it to ignore where one of the tags is

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-02 Thread John Smith
--- On Thu, 2/7/09, John Smith wrote: I also want to get it to ignore any railways that are abandoned since there is no track to connect with, and any level crossings have been ripped out etc. Well I managed to solve that issue, now I just have unconnected ways being

Re: [talk-au] Updating the validator plugin...

2009-07-02 Thread John Smith
--- On Thu, 2/7/09, John Smith wrote: What was railway line has been turned into an unpaved road and the validator plugin is throwing up an error about unconnected way where the barrier=gate is. I think I have solved that issue as well... new version up