Re: [OSM-talk-be] hoe map ik een bus halte ? :-) / how to map a bus stop ? :-)

2014-08-21 Thread Marc Gemis
So we say the same: for actual trip planning you need a time table. But of course with the current OSM data you can see which bus you have to take, which is an important first step regards m On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Jo wrote: > Say you have an app like Opentripplanner, the time ta

Re: [OSM-talk-be] hoe map ik een bus halte ? :-) / how to map a bus stop ? :-)

2014-08-21 Thread Jo
Say you have an app like Opentripplanner, the time tables are available there, but where the bus passes geographically is contained in the OSM route relations. Whether this is important or not, is another matter. It isn' t so much for routing, but it is if you want to be able to draw a map like the

Re: [OSM-talk-be] hoe map ik een bus halte ? :-) / how to map a bus stop ? :-)

2014-08-21 Thread Marc Gemis
I'll agree that the things mentioned in the picture are often micromapping. But on the other hand how does an international app knows all this when there is no OSM+ database that contains all this country specific information ? I keep on wondering how useful the routes are for routing without time

Re: [OSM-talk-be] hoe map ik een bus halte ? :-) / how to map a bus stop ? :-)

2014-08-21 Thread Jo
All bus stops of De Lijn have timetable information, so I don't see why we'd map that explicitely. I think the same goes for TEC. Even the stops of TEC I can verify in Flanders have timetables. Sometimes the name is present in big letters on the shelter. I don't see why we'd map that either. A €10