[OSM-talk-be] Jungle Maps, a humanitarian mapping project in our backyard

2016-03-31 Thread Jorieke Vyncke
Hello, dag, bonjour Belgian mappers, It would be great to get your support for a nice little humanitarain-mapping project in our backyard. The next two weeks four HOT-OSM volunteers (myself included) will start with "Jungle Maps" in the refugee camp in Duinkerke in the north of France. In collabo

[OSM-talk-be] tagging challenge: octopusstraat

2016-03-31 Thread joost schouppe
So there's a school which is now officially allowed to close the street when school starts and finishes: "Zo zal de Janseniusstraat tweemaal per schooldag ter hoogte van de Remi Vandervaerenlaan afgezet worden voor inkomend gemotoriseerd verkeer (uitgezonderd hulpdiensten). Bij het begin van de sc