
Not sure if this is the correct place to ask for a changeset to be
reverted (if not can someone let me know where is the correct place).
I noticed this morning that a user called 'fruitcake' made some edits
in Boston, Lincolnshire on the 19th September (I can't believe it's
taken me this long to notice) that have removed a couple of roads and
about 17 POIs.

Can someone please revert this changeset (I don't think that anything
has really been touched in this area since the date of the changeset)
or if this is not possible let me know and I will try to correct the
damage manually.

I am inclined to think that this is accidental editing (maybe
involving Potlatch's 'Edit Live' mode) rather than vandalism because
the changes were made on the same day that this user joined OSM.

I have already sent a message to 'fruitcake' politely pointing out the
mistake and consequences and offering advice should they want any,
although as this is the only changeset they have made since joining I
am not really anticipating a reply any time soon.

Joe M.

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