Yes, that was exactly the intent.  Because you can't sign the CTs and
continue to use Nearmap to trace data.

On 14 February 2012 11:39, Ian Sergeant <> wrote:

> On 14 February 2012 14:09, James Andrewartha <>wrote:
> I think Ben's
>> explanatory paragraph is just about whether edits from CT-agreeers
>> needed to be immediately removed due to license violation, as
>> previously it wasn't clear whether you could sign the CTs and still
>> use Nearmap (which is why I never signed them).
> Personally, I think it is clear from the original thread that Nearmap
> intend to grant someone in exactly your position the capability of agreeing
> to the CTs, should you wish to.
> There is no other possible interpretation that I can see that could lead
> to Ben's statement "For the Australian mappers in particular, this means
> that there need be no mass deletion of existing data based on tracing from
>", and the statement,  "edits submitted before the 17th of
> June 2011 under CC-BY-SA (i.e., by someone who HADN"T [my emphasis]
> accepted the new CTs at the time of submission) ...  to stay in the
> database."
> Ben - sorry to involve you in this again - but could you possibly just
> confirm for James' benefit, that your email was intended to cover someone
> in exactly his position.  That is someone who has historically traced from
> Nearmap, can agree to the OSM CTs, and edits can remain in the OSM
> database, as long as tracing doesn't continue from Nearmap post June-17,
> 2011?
> Thanks,
> Ian.


*Ben Last*

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