Hi OpenStreetMapers in the ACT!

ChangeMakers CBR invites you to attend the Share Canberra MapJam 2014
hosted by  is being held 26 October to coincide with the Sharing Cities
Network 2nd Annual Global #MapJam to build community and bring people
together in cities around the world:


By the end of the session Canberra will have a basic editable OpenStreetMap
of its sharable assets that can will be mashable. I am inviting you at the
suggestion of one Alex Sadleir, who will also be attending, but it would be
better to have more than one user on the day. If you think you can help
please RSVP and join us to put your skills to collective use!

Thanks in anticipation,

Dr David Pecotić
Academia.edu <https://independent.academia.edu/DavidPecotic>
Twitter <https://twitter.com/djp1974>
WAKE UP DOWN THERE! <http://wudt.wordpress.com/>

To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. - Mary Oliver
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