
Some time back we invited all of you to become an OpenStreetMap Belgium
member. We're now 100!
Those members were then invited to a meeting in Brussels. Ten of us did so.
During the meeting, we introduced a very simple constitution [1]. We also
elected our very first board, consisting of Ben Abelshausen, Jonathan
Beliƫn and Joost Schouppe.

>From now on, we can have "official meetings", where online and physical
participation will be possible. We have planned our next meeting on the
24th of April, at 19:30. You can participate physically at the Brussels
meetup [2] or through the dedicated Riot channel [3].

The idea is that we don't have huge discussions during the meeting itself,
but discuss everything in detail BEFORE the meeting. The "official meeting"
is just for decision making. Do not expect anything too formal!
We are still building the very foundation of our small organisation, so now
is the moment to participate. The agenda is available here [4]. You are
invited to discuss the Constitution using github issues [5]. If that all
sounds to exotic to you, you can share your insights here too (but we would
prefer to keep discussion focused in one place of course).

Our mission is very simple: "Enable the OSM community in Belgium by
supporting the community with the infrastructure and tools it needs to
grow. Representing the views of the OSM community in Belgium in the larger
OSM community."

So it is not the goal that all mappers become members, or that the
organisation coordinates mapping activities. We just need a formal
structure to be able to organize larger projects, such as a possible
participation in the Open Summer of Code. You should become a member [6] if
you're willing to contribute to this. Discussing in more detail what it
means to be a member is one of the top items for the next meeting.

Now that you have an idea what OSM Belgium Membership is about, Join [6] if
you want to help OpenStreetMap Belgium grow!

1: https://github.com/osmbe/working-group-bylaws/blob/master/CONSITUTION.md
2: https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/events/238582538/
3: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#osmbe-meetings:matrix.org
5: https://github.com/osmbe/working-group-bylaws/issues
6: http://www.osm.be/en/signup.html


Het is niet gelukt om op tijd naar het Nederlands te vertalen. Onze
excuses. Maar neem contact op als je ons team vertalers wil versterken.
On n'a pas eu le temp pour traduir cet email a temps. Nos excuses.
Contactez-nous si vous voulez aider avec des traductions.

Joost Schouppe
OpenStreetMap <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/joost%20schouppe/> |
Twitter <https://twitter.com/joostjakob> | LinkedIn
<https://www.linkedin.com/pub/joost-schouppe/48/939/603> | Meetup
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