On Tue, 23 Dec 2008, James Ewen wrote:

> Okay, I have a really silly question to ask...

> I have seen posts from a few people that obviously have the skills and
> knowledge necessary to take GeoBase data, and manipulate it into a
> format that can then be imported into OSM. Are these people actively
> working with each other, and perhaps others with other skills to bring
> to the table somewhere in a dark office somewhere? Or perhaps is there
> no progress being made towards completion of this task?

I think some progress is being made, probably by individuals when they have 
spare cycles to devote to this.

> What I see that needs to be done is:
> Compile a list of datasets that are to be imported into OSM.
> Create a set of attributes that need to be attached to each dataset entry.
> Create scripts or whatever to convert the GeoBase data into OSM format.
> Get after making the import happen.

Review the wiki pages under 
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/GeoBase_Import, some of this has been 
started.  Particularly for the political boundaries, NRN and NHN.  The 
attribute mappings could probably use some more attention.

Michel sent a link to a .osm file he generated with the poltical boundaries. 
I'm unsure what needs to happen to take this to the next step.

There is an initial geobase2osm script for the road network  in the OSM SVN 
repository, I've been working on a few enchancments to it but it still needs 
more work before we start importing samples and we have some open questions as 
to how we want to 
represent some things in OSM.

> There are lots of areas in Alberta that I am just itching to get after
> importing data into, where all that exists currently is a blank slate.
> If we had scripts or some other type of process that a dummy like
> myself could use, I'd be filling my boots getting GeoBase data merged
> into the OSM database. As long as the attributes imported are
> consistent across the nation, we should all be able to work towards
> the final goal, while still letting the smart cookies figure out the
> finer details, and getting issues like merging into developed areas
> dealt with. Why hold up the whole project because of a few minor
> issues?
> James


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