Hi all,

I'm finding an interesting revelation here.
Since the RoadMatcher wasn't done, for this mapped area.  What we did was
make the greater_victoria.osm file available.

So here we have myself, who is running around in circles, and wanting to
copy over all the area, as fast as possible, but im finding that since there
are more roads being added, more people (in this area) are taking notice,
and starting to add in roads. (4 in the last week)

So what i'm doing is messaging them letting them know that im copying over
roads.  As it would ease on more work for others.

However, this .osm file isn't redely available, nor was it posted on the
wiki chart as a direct download link.

So, on the one-hand, i can just wait and i'll see the whole area mapped
(even though i know that i can copy it and get it just as accurate as
someone else can tracing over yahoo or their own GPS tracks.

... So my concern is that im in-advertently copying in roads that others
have missed, but are wanting to draw in themselves.  And therefore be
kind-of let-down, because they wated to draw it in.

So i think the solution is clear. ... Host a mapping party so that it gets
all imported in 1 session.  And use RoadMatcher whever possable.

That way, it all gets done efficiently.

So i think the lesson for us all to learn is that, we need to set a time to
get together for a mapping party just at the same time that the last get
together was has.  Because we didn't actually open up all our calendars and
pick a day/time that would work for everyone, we didn't plan for a next
meeting.  So in the mean time, Austin made the .osm file, and i went ahead
and starting manually copying over the data.  When roadmatcher could have
done alot.  And we could have got it all imported i 1 sitting.

So in conclusion, i think that we all need to remember that when we do have
mapping parties, that planning a next one right away, makes for a better
chance for getting it done faster.


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