I'm not altogether sure yet of the license the renderings will be under - I'm 
the technical, not the legal guy.  I don't suspect it will be too restrictive, 
though I'm pretty sure we will want to limit access (particularly batch 
downloads) to the tile server itself to the users of our iPod/iPad/iPhone 
software - after all, we wouldn't want to be paying for high volumes of 
Internet traffic to our server by competing apps downloading tens of thousands 
of tiles :-)  I think high volume access to our server would be the biggest 
issue, and don't anticipate there will be much of a problem with people using 
the renderings themselves for whatever purpose they want (with the standard 
liability disclaimers) as long as volume is low or they are using the software 
we provide (which adds a few layers of additional logic to aggressively cache 
images unless the server-side renderings change significantly - again, to keep 
the bandwidth down as much as possible).

All I know for sure though are that the details haven't been finalized yet.


On 2011-Feb-05, at 2:01 AM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

> Cool,
> I'll keep it on my todo list :)
> the .osm files will be public domain and the garmin maps need to be
> 'do not sell' because cgpsmapper gets used in the process.
> What licence will your slippymap raster renderngs be in?
> cheers,
> Sam
> On 2/4/11, Dan Charrois <d...@syz.com> wrote:
>> Oh - I'm sure you must be right about that.  I should have read more
>> carefully.
>> Thanks!
>> Dan
>> On 2011-Feb-04, at 4:12 PM, Kevin Michael Smith wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2011-02-04 at 15:57 -0700, Dan Charrois wrote:
>>>> Hi Sam!
>>>> Where have you found SRTM data at 20 meter intervals?  The only data I've
>>>> found was 3 arcsec (~90m) worldwide, and 1 arcsec (~30) just for the
>>>> United States.  As far as I knew, 1 arcsec data was all that was
>>>> collected, but even that wasn't released beyond the U.S. borders.
>>> I think he means a 20m vertical interval between contour lines, not the
>>> horizontal resolution of the DEM.
>>> --
>>> Kevin Michael Smith <smit...@draconic.ca>
>> --
>> Syzygy Research & Technology
>> Box 83, Legal, AB  T0G 1L0 Canada
>> Phone: 780-961-2213
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Box 83, Legal, AB  T0G 1L0 Canada
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