
Thanks for the feedback! It helps a lot to have information from real
world users.

I looked into the data briefly. The data that _has been_ entered in
OpenStreetMap looks correct. However, much data is not available.

A brief explanation of what is happening:

Postal codes are potentially incorrect, but these are currently mostly
not tagged in OSM in Québec. Instead, a search engine called Nominatim
is guessing them from the surroundings. A particular problem that
happens often is that Nominatim takes in neighbourhood names and
postal codes by centre point, not by boundary. In many cases an
address is within one postal code, but closer to centre-point of
another. Compounding the problem is that many postal codes are not
entered at all, so the system guesses the nearest one it knows.

About the string "Neufchâtel-Est, Les Méandres, Québec, Québec, Québec
(Agglomération), Capitale-Nationale, Québec":
Nominatim will also throw in as many nearby neighbourhood and place
names as it knows, without trying to understand if it makes sense or
is duplicated. Here we have:
- nearest place=neighbourhood: Neufchâtel-Est
- nearest place=suburb: Les Méandres
https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/309314795 (although this is
actually closer to the address than Neufchâtel-Est! But Nominatim
wants to have _a_ neighbourhood as well, and no nearer neighbourhood
is tagged)
- nearest place=city, admin_level=8: Québec
- nearest what it guesses to be "city boundary":
boundary=administrative, admin_level=8: Québec
- and so on with "Québec (Agglomération)" at admin_level=6,
"Capitale-Nationale" at admin_level=5, the province at admin_level=4
These are not tagged on the address, they are pulled in from nearby
objects. So it's not OSM errors, though a missing neighbourhood might
be an OSM omission.

Basically the OSM search results are often made up by computers, and
only the information actually "tagged" is thought to be correct. For
example, for https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4974207123 we know
that: addr:housenumber=920, addr:street="Rue Noël-Carter",
amenity=school, name="Centre de formation professionnelle
Maurice-Barbeau". OpenStreetMap doesn't know what the postal code is,
and other systems will have to guess at it. Also note that computers
will struggle when one naturally searches for "CFP Maurice-Barbeau"
expecting to find the Centre de formation professionnelle.

Another problem is that exact addresses are often not entered, they
are entered as address ranges ("interpolations") within the block. For
example, the address range https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/104093690
goes from 2945 to 2995 among odd numbers. However apps can struggle
with that: Maps.me for instance will give you a result for "2945 rue
de la Broussaille" but it doesn't understand that 2985 is between 2945
and 2995, and does not have any results for "2985 rue de la

What we can do to help:
- realistically: tag bigger and more useful / more likely to be
searched for buildings with their own postal codes, and where a street
has only one postal code, enter it
- more work: lobby for the postal code data to be released on a free
license - the current system favours big players with lots of money
who can pay for the data
- much more work: map individual buildings and enter their street
numbers and postal codes, rather than depending on address
interpolations. However this should be lower priority as it would make
more sense to improve the apps' search to understand interpolations

I tested in OSMAnd (version 2.9.3, installed just now from Play Store
and downloaded Québec map) and it found the address "920, rue
Noël-Carter". When searching for "2985 rue de la Broussaille" it found
the 2945, rue de la Broussaille corner address, which is not exact but
in this case very close. However this particular address data hasn't
changed in a long time, so it seems unlikely that your OSMAnd data
would be out of date...

Potentially of interest for you: the app Maps.me is another app of
OpenStreetMap data with offline routing/GPS on Android. In the test,
it finds "920, rue Noël-Carter", though not "2985 rue de la
Broussaille". If you like, you could test it out to see if it works
better for you. It is free, although it has hotel and travel ads, and
I am guessing it might track your searches.


On 27 April 2018 at 23:00, Pier Luc <pierlucriv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, I live in Quebec City. I tried to use OSMand (based on OSM) in my
> City using offline mode and the OBF file of the Province of Quebec. Every
> time I search an address it can not find it! Sometime it offer me other
> address, sometime not. It's like if only a tiny part of Quebec's address had
> been insert in Open Street Map. But, it's not exactly the case because is
> has more address in Open street Map website.
> Look at that example, searching: 2985 rue de la Broussaille.
> Osmand can't find it by OSM web site gives:
> Maison 2985, Rue de la Broussaille, Neufchâtel-Est, Les Méandres, Québec,
> Québec (Agglomération), Capitale-Nationale, Québec, G2C 0G3, Canada
> I think it has a problem there. A lot of information should not be there and
> the zip code is bad. It should be G2C 1S1. If that address is in the OBF, I
> supposed the app have difficulties to find it.
> The good address is: 2985, Rue de la Broussaille, Québec, QC, G2C 1S1,
> Canada
> An other test: 920, rue Noël-Carter
> Osmand can't find it but OSM web site can:
> École Centre de formation professionnelle Maurice-Barbeau, 920, Rue
> Noël-Carter, Sainte-Foy, Québec, Québec (Agglomération), Capitale-Nationale,
> Québec, G1V 1X3, Canada
> The good address is
> CFP Maurice-Barbeau
> 920, Rue Noël-Carter, Québec, QC, G1V 5B6, Canada
> An other zip code error and an other address full of "dust".
> Every-time I tried to find something it's the same thing. It's impossible to
> use Osmand as a GPS in Quebec City. I think it's because the data in the OBF
> of the Province of Quebec is bad.
> Is your work have been put in the OBF? Does is exist and other OBF for the
> Province of Quebec than the OF we can find there?
> https://download.osmand.net/list.php
> Tank-you
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