I just sent a message to Winnipeg Transit asking for a shapefile with
every (well, almost all) addresses in Winnipeg. Given their open data
policies, I think I have a good chance. The data will be better than
StatsCan addresses and will allow us to make the existing map more

I see OSM as providing a high quality product, imports allow us to
focus on the features that make OSM unique. See
http://osm.org/go/WtzVpPV, where I traced logging roads from Bing
imagery, but got the base network from Canvec.

In a week I'll be heading to a small village in Southern Manitoba. If
it weren't for Canvec I would have to walk every street with a GPS
while taking extensive notes, and then put everything together in
JOSM. But Canvec data means that I can concentrate on working and not
feel guilty about not mapping, but still add many features not
collected by Google.

Sam Dyck

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