I'm not seeing any problems. Bounding box or way id or screenshots would help.

Copied from [1]:
"At low zoom levels, up to and including zoom level 9, Mapnik renders
all the sea as a solid fill of blue, generated from the shapefile
shoreline_300 (used for z0-9), which has a relatively low resolution.
At high zoom levels the coast polygons used are generated from the
natural=coastline tag -- the data is made available to the Mapnik
renderer as a large shapefile (processed_p) which is generated every
few weeks from planet dumps (note: if you edit coastline at high
zooms, be patient for it to render)."

So you are only affecting the high zoom levels, if I understand
correctly. You'll need to make sure the coastline ways create a closed
loop of ways, of course.


[1]: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Coastline

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Samuel Dyck <samueld...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I changed the tagging on the lower part of Lake Winnipeg from water to
> coastline so it would show up on lower zoom levels. But now the area I
> changed has disappeared from higher zoom levels. I know coastline tagged way
> only update ever few weeks, but I thought it only affected lower levels. I
> am incorrect?
> Sam Dyck
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