Hello everyone,

We are launching the outreach tomorrow. Canadians will be made aware of the 

As soon as the Webpage is live, I will add the link to the OSM Canada wiki in 
the section for the project.

This is giving us another month to work out some details. Do not hesitate to 
raise anything you might see so we can make some changes if it's possible.

I would like to start a wiki page for documentation that we can also link to. 
There was one that was started if I remember, I will have to go back in my 
messages.  Some of us are going to meet to discuss the import process for the 
footprints soon.

It's been very busy since my return from vacation so, I am sorry for the lack 
of updates recently!

Bjenk Ellefsen, PhD

Unit head | Chef de sous-section
Data Exploration and Integration Lab (DEIL) | Lab d'exploration et intégration 
de données (LEID)
Center for Special Business Projects | Centre des Projets Spéciaux sur les 
Statistics Canada | Statistique Canada
(343) 998-3004

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