Sharing Data. Awesome :-)

And "DBpedia", interesting.

Anyway, that made my day. :)

Please help and fix up the charts, for each of the themes.. I think i have
about 20 left to figure out what the 'link' is.

Meanwhile, the GeoBase NRN is steadily getting imported, as each tile is
carefully converted using RoadMatcher & AutoMatch to compare it with local
data.  Alberta, Yukon & Nova Scotia has both road names & numbers so focus
is on those 1st.  Southern Ontario is also looking good, as it's being
imported, but not the road names (as its not available)

We have received word from Statistics Canada, that YES  it does comply with
the licence, and shouldn't can any conflict areas, so the road name database
is available through this dataset.  The only downside is the accuracy as the
location is not exact.   However, there is the technical route where it
might be possable to include that database as part of the RoadMatcher
process.  This is still in the design phase.

The other alternative is to find a way to view it, and it can be used to
copy in the same way that canvec2osm does.
But because of the technical hurdle, im not working on that, until the other
things are done.  (but someone else can if they want).   For now, the roads
that are already listed in GeoBase NRN with road names, just show up as
'highway=road" as this will give a point of reference for checking the rest
of the map features.

Right now, im looking at incorporating the GeoBase NHN (National Hydrography
Network) into the canvec2osm script, as features cross over databases.
Otherwise i'll just make another script, and omit features from the
canvec2osm script.

The import script is created so that it can also be viewed (each feature is
in it's own .osm file) so when looking it it you can grab the local existing
osm data, and decide that data you want to import.

As far as 'who is working on it?' goes, it is a small group, it's just
myself writing the canvec2osm code. .. but i am getting input from everyone
who is viewing it (so everyone on the talk-ca list), and as i make sample
ares over where people have mapped, they can view it and see 1st hand how
accurate my matching work is, and recommend the changes.

And on a side note: re: im not afraid of the Google monster
I wrote a rebuttal regarding (was: immutable=yes DEC lands) and about the
new license issue, as i saw lots of discussion here about this topic.

Thats all for now,
Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails
Talk-ca mailing list

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