Hi there,

I wanted to share with you guys that we are preparing together with many
other grassroot and mapping communities  a statement
the integration of statistical and geospatial data - portraying the civil
society standpoint - to all national statistics offices, including Stats
Can, all of which will gather in  Aguascalientes, Mexico under the Conference
of the Statistics for the Americas
next week.

This is totally related to the #osmgeoweek, where at least in Canada and
Mexico <http://osmgeoweek.org/event/aguascalientes/> , we will be working
to demonstrate it is possible to map all buildings of the territory in a
census modality, i.e. covering the whole country.

For those who don't know us, we are a geo hackers community from Colombia
and neighbouring countries <http://www.geocensos.com/> working on open
geospatial data  in several countries in the region of central america and
northern south america. We are partnering in several global events like the
Geo Awareness Week, the World Data Forum
and usually lecture at the SotM US on statistical and geospatial projects
<https://youtu.be/HrGIA5Zzpc0> .

Please let us know , if you agree with the above statement, so we can count
on board with OSM CA for supporting our statement , visualizing your name
and identifiers together with other National Latin American base
communities .

All best
[image: geocensos]
*Javier Carranza** Tresoldi** CEO*

*, GeoCensos@geocensos*Skype: javiercarranza
Colombia Mobile:(57) 314-3244540
Panama Mobile: (507) 688 - 04892
*Lets map together a better world*
<https://sites.google.com/a/geocensos.com/mapps/> [image: Twitter]
<https://twitter.com/GeoCensos> [image: LinkedIn]

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