I’ll meet with Kelsey and try to get to an OSM Toronto Meetup to see how Nate 
and others end up doing it in Toronto. Maybe Kelsey and I can do adapt that 
experience for Northumberland County. We have a local group interested in bike 
trails that I can approach.  

I’m also interested in the HOT pilot “Integrating Machine Learning into the 
Tasking Manager: Notes on a Direction” 
 I learned about this work at the session on “Assisted Intelligence - How 
humans map with the support of new technologies” that Felix (HOT) and Surabhi 
(Microsoft) presented at State of the Map in Heidelberg.

In the long run, I could see organizing a hackathon using the OSM building 
footprints and linked open data to design a climate resiliency planning 
challenge at the local level. (See example based on Open City Model: 

From: john whelan
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 12:13 PM
To: Jonathan Brown
Cc: talk-ca@openstreetmap.org; kelseysaunder...@gmail.com 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Importing building and routing info 

I was under the impression that most buildings in both Port Hope and Cobourg 
had been manually mapped.

Now the outlines have been done it really needs boots on the ground to add 
detail.  There are addresses from Canvec which give an address range so Stats 
might have something better but I'm not sure.

What exactly are you looking for?  I'm sure if you and Kelsey were to sit down 
over a mug of coffee as the local mappers to the area you may decide that a 
buildings import would be useful but I'm not sure how many more buildings 
remain to be mapped in the area.  

Cheerio John

On Wed, 2 Oct 2019 at 06:10, Jonathan Brown <jonab...@gmail.com> wrote:
Ditto Kevin’s post. Erik, I live in Cobourg and have an interest in working 
with local mappers to map Northumberland County. At the moment we only have one 
novice (myself) and Kelsey Saunders, a GIS grad. 

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