Yes, you can make a garmin map out of it.

Just convert it to OSM, load it in JOSM, merge the layers, download
OSM data, fix it up a bit, merge layers, saveAS OSM.
Use Mkgmap to make an IMG file & GPSMapEdit can open up the file.
Maperitive can also open .osm right?

But before that, i'd recommend making sure you got all of CanVec
copied into OSM (for the area)
as well as get the Ontario Parks for the region, that will help too.
If you can hold off a bit longer, untill canvec is in, there is still
more data from geogratis thats available... (Including data we have
not yet explored) Perhaps Ottawa will approach OSM? (like Ontario did)
as they will see a top quality map.

The outside world already knows that OSM exists, once it gets
populated with ALL of the data that is already available to us, im
confident that others will be asking us how they can contribute.


On 6/10/10, john whelan <> wrote:
> They have some .shp fires but the wrong license.  It would be nice to add
> some of their data into a private .OSM file perhaps via JOSM just to show
> them what could be done if they got the licenses sorted out.  Basically to
> give them a little positive feedback
> Anyone got any suggestions on how to do this?
> Thanks John

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